
Happy Earth Day to You…

Today the Earth may be wondering if we have made everyday Happy Earth Day.  All around the globe the air is clearer, the water cleaner, the wildlife closer and more active.  Most Earth Days we get busy, but not being busy seems to work also, maybe better.  To the Earth, it must seem humans are exhibiting a strange, and for this restless, remorseless species, an unnatural stillness.  The bustling busyness that characterizes us, the rushing to and fro with all its attendant exhausting of folk and fumes has slowed, almost ceased.   Here in this sudden stillness, without the tumble and distraction of our usual social interactions, or the persistent whir of the treadmill of achievement, we have the space to contemplate our lives, when it all starts again just maybe we will see it with new eyes.

Meanwhile the crash, roar, and thunder that accompanies so much of our usual activity remains muted and hushed.  That all this comes at a high price in human lives and is accompanied by grief and loss, ensures any acknowledgment that the Earth is being gifted some much-needed breathing space, must also be appropriately muted and hushed.

Earth Day – every day.
