
Our burning desire for Palm Oil spoils land, air, and water. Choose Palm Oil Free products.

It Used to Be a Jungle

The Problem with Palm Oil

The tropical forest is being destroyed at the rate of 300 football fields EVERY HOUR, for more palm oil plantations.

Stop this madness and let our Earth breathe.


Square feet of tropical forest have burned since you opened this page.

The choices we make for our grocery carts affect our entire planet.

“If you need to produce palm oil, you need to remove forest,” Gatti said. “That’s what we’re seeing.”


  • Since 2007, the forest loss has been about 101,313 HECTARES PER YEAR.
  • In areas where sustainable practices are required, more than 38 PERCENT of the land has been deforested.
  • That compares with 34 PERCENT where there is no sustainability requirement.
  • There is no such thing as sustainable tropical forest destruction - never has been.
  • https://www.purdue.edu/newsroom/releases/2018/Q4/purdue-study-sustainable-palm-oil-doesnt-make-the-grade.html

    Share the Facts

    Don’t Be Palm Spoiled

    Palm oil was initially introduced as a healthier option than partially hydrogenated oils in 1995. Its long shelf life, low price, and high melting point made it attractive to manufacturers, but the environmental cost is far too high. Palm Oil is a leading cause of Tropical deforestation and habitat destruction. No product is worth the actual price of using palm oil… it is costing us the Earth.

    There are many viable alternatives to palm oil, including rapeseed oil, soy, sunflower, olive, or coconut oil, macadamia oil. We can do better.


    Spark Hope

    There are actions we can take that have genuine eco-consequence. Choosing products with no palm oil is a great start. At milkadamia, we desire to make it beyond simple for everyone to reduce their impact on our planet through delicious products that make that possible. We know that doing good becomes exponentially easier when your taste buds approve. Through our collective shopping choices, manufacturers, companies, and stores will be forced to respond. Our grocery carts may indeed be one of our greatest weapons to improve the quality of our lives.

    The milkadamia Approach

    milkadamia believes in products that are deliciously free of palm oil. Oh, and they’re also free of dairy, gluten, soy, GMOs and cruelty. Purchasing milkadamia’s buttery spread is an easy and delicious way to spread goodness and join us in saying no palm oil, ever!

    “If we commit to do this thing, this one hard-ish thing, that will complicate shopping a bit, and require persistence on our part – if we switch to palm oil free products – we, together, will compel a positive and pertinent eco-impact that is equal to ending emissions from cars.”
    – Jim Richards, CEO, milkadamia


    See What Others are Saying About Palm Oil